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Tonume Health Series
Tonume Integrated Health's vision of total wellness is a multi-faceted approach to your health. To attain this, we have created the "Tonume Health Series", which will be information sessions focussing on approach to health and wellness and its implemtation.
There will be time for discussion and demonstration of the subject matter.
Upcoming Health Series Information Sessions
Brain Pain - Common causes of Headaches and what you can do to fix them
Join our chiropractor, Dr. Gaelan Connell for an interactive presentation on headaches.
Migraine, Cluster, Sinus, and Tension headaches will all be covered.
He will discuss common types of headaches and simple tips to help reduce pain!
At the end of the presentation, Dr. Gaelan will be available for Q&A.
Where: Tonume Integrated Health – 2657 Commercial Drive (11th Avenue and Commercial)
When: Thursday, February 12th @ 12-12:30pm
Cost: Free!

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